B.Com (Accounting and Finance) helps to read and understand financial statements to evaluate how business performance is affected by four fundamental drivers of profitability viz., asset management, cost management, leverage management and tax management. The finance course deals with managing costs. Where students can learn how to prepare cost sheets, budget and make cost-based decisions. The overall objective of the course is to build financial sharpness to make a successful entrepreneur or manager.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Become the full-fledged accounting and finance professionals.
Apply the practical knowledge gained over the years in the field of auditing, tax filing, share market and other finance related services.
Excel as the Fellow and Associates of ICAI, ICMA and ICSI.
Lessons: 12 Lessons | Duration: 02 Years | Language: English |
Seats: 100 Seats (47 Rsvd) | Session: 2018-2020 | Department: BioChemistry |
- Accountant
- Cashier
- Investment Analyst
- Finance Officer
- Sales Analyst
- Junior Analyst
- Stock Broker
- Financial Accounting
- Business Regulatory Framework
- Direct & Indirect Taxation
- Cost & Management Accounting
- Financial Management
- Auditing
- Indian Financial System and Financial Market Operations