Computer technology has an important role in the IT industry. Computer Technology is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their implementation and application in computer systems.
The Department of Computer Technology is headed by Dr.S.Raja, an educator taking a role in motivating the students to attain leadership and responsibilities in the corporate world. As the saying goes,” The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery”. Providing this, the department has a very good team of highly qualified, well experienced and talented faculty members.
At Present the total number of students is 152 and 5 staff members. The Department conducts each and every semester skill-based Add-on Courses and Value Added Courses for students. Each staff has nearly 25 students for the tutor ward system and special remedial classes have given for more failures in semester exams.
The Department conducts a subject-oriented Guest lecture, Seminar, Workshop, and Alumni interaction. The Department functioning the Club named Techno club for motivating and participating the students for other college events.
Department of Computer technology conducted a guest lecture on 13/03/2020. Mr.Manikanikandan, Kovai kulangal pathukappu iyakkam gave the lecturing about Lake Protection awareness.
Inter-Collegiate Technical Symposium
The Department of Computer Technology and ICT Academy conducted the Inter-Collegiate Technical Symposium on 25 Sep 2019. Around 522 from 34 College students participated in this event from all over Tamilnadu. In this symposium, we conducted two types of events. One is technical events like go google, Debugging, logo Making, techno Quiz, Web designing and another one is cultural Events such as Tik Tok, PUBG, Big Boss, JAM, treasure hunt. The symposium has given the exposure to test the students’ technical skills as well as extracurricular skills. Mr.Imran Ahamed, Director of Infinite Edge acted as chief guest and delivered the presidential address.
Cloud Literacy Day
We, the Department of Computer Technology, Rathinam College of Arts & Science, organized an event “Cloud Literacy Day ” in association with ICT ACADEMY on 25th January 2020 from 9.00 Am to 4.00 pm.
Cloud Literacy Day is intended to induce self-learning and introduce basic cloud technology skills to all students. The program is organized exclusively for all member institutions of ICT Academy across India, where the students learn the modules online through self-instructed videos and exercises and prove their cloud learning skills.
National Communication Skills Challenge 2019
ICT Academy in association with STEP – The Hindu Group, has launched “National Communication Skills Challenge 2019”. The challenge is aimed at assessing the English communication skills of college students specific to reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The challenge makes every participant understand their current language skill levels through STEP PLUS self-diagnostic tests and help them develop their communication enhancement strategy through a personalized report. The top performers at the college level, territory level, state level, and national level will be recognized with prizes and awards. This challenge is exclusive for the ICT Academy Member Institutions across India.
Power Seminar Program on Employability Skill
The Department of Computer Technology conducted a Power Seminar of “Employability Skill For the Future ” on 09 Feb 2019.
Around 100 members consisting of faculty members, research scholars, and students from various Departments within Rathinam College of Arts and Science attended this workshop. The Workshop provided a forum to discuss and disseminate the recent Development activities in the field of Employability Skills. Dr.D.John Franklin, Director of Defrank Group who acted as chief guest and delivered the speech. Ms.Aruna, HR Manager from Payoda tech who gave the speech about “Employability Skill in Future”. Mr.Prashanth Ganesh, Senior Developer from zeta global acted as a guest and gave a speech about employability Skill.
Workshop on “Ethical Hacking “
The Department of Computer Technology has organized the Workshop on “Ethical Hacking” on 31 January 2019.
Around 100 members consisting of faculty members, research scholars, and students from various Departments within Rathinam College of Arts and Science attended the workshop. The Workshop provided a forum to discuss and disseminate the recent Development activities in the field of Hacking and cybersecurity. Mr.Velayutham Selvaraj, Director of Twin tech Solutions Professional who acted as chief guest and delivered the inaugural address, and handle the hands-on session.
Career Awareness & Career Assistance
Department of Computer Technology conducted the “Career Awareness & Career Assistance “program for II Year and III Year students on 24th July 2020 at 11.00 AM.
Webinar on Cloud Technology
The Department of Computer Technology has organized the Workshop on “Cloud Technology Platform Monolithic vs Microservices” on 26 May 2020.
Around 500 members consisting of faculty members, research scholars, and students from various colleges attended the workshop. The Workshop provided a forum to discuss and disseminate the recent Development activities in the field of Hacking and cybersecurity.
B.Anandakumar. “ City Based Traffic Path Problem Identifying and solving using IOT “ – ISSN- 2231-2137-Contemporary Research in India.
B.Anandakumar. “Classifier based scheme to detect and avoid black holes in DSR based MANET”- ISSN– 2321-9939 –IJEDR.
Dr.S.Raja “ Concepts And Different Functions About Wireless Ad-Hoc Networking Without A Network” – ISSN– 2251-1563 –Research Journal of Science & It management.
Dr.S.Raja “ Mathematical View of Secure Routing Technique for Misbehave Node in Mobile Adhoc Network” – ISSN–0973-1768 –Research Journal of Science & It management.
Dr.S.Raja “ Detection of Misbehaving Node in MANET using Aggressive Routing Scheme”- ISSN-0973-4562 – International Journal of Applied Engineering Research.
Manimegalai-“Smart Web crawler Effective Recursive Resource grabber for web” –ISSN-978-620-0-00775—9.-Lambert Academic Publishing.
Manimegalai- “A Novel Approach On Mining Frequent Item Set On Large Uncertain Database”-ISSN- 319-7064 International Journal Of Science and Research(IJSR)
Manimegalai- “Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing with Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing.”- ISSN- 2347-2693-International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science(IJARCS)
Manimegalai- “An Analysis for social medial using Bigdata”-ISSN- 3221 5687- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science(IJARCS)
Manimegalai-“ Integrated Tamil News Storage and Analysis Using Big Data Analytics-ISSN- 2347-2693-International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
NSS Unit Participated in the World Environment Day Celebration at Coimbatore Commissioner Office on 05-06-17 and took pledge and cycle rally and created awareness on plastic waste decomposable waste and non-decomposable waste segregation among the public for this awareness we received appreciation from the Commissioner.
IV Report
Department of Computer technology students attended the industrial Visit at Biogas Plant at Periyanakkenpalayam. These are the photos that are taken from the Biogas Plant at Periyanakkenplayam.