The undergraduate Mathematics Programme is engaged in the historic development of the field establishing its connection to Science and Technology. The technical background of the course has endowed with a thorough understanding of today’s modern society.

The heart of the program consists of fundamental courses in the main areas of mathematics together with a variety of specialized, elective courses. It is complemented by supportive courses from other departments, in addition to the University’s general education requirements.

Programme Structure:

The course is most apt for students who have a strong interest and background in Science and Mathematics. The course is also beneficial for students who wish to pursue multi and inter-disciplinary science careers in the future.

The syllabus is embedded with the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science papers which will prepare them to excel in every field and industry. Students will get a  fulfilling career that involves testing theories of pure mathematics and like to create analyze and interpret mathematical models.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

PEO 1: Mathematical knowledge.  Apply the fundamental concepts of Mathematics to think logically and technically.

PEO 2: Problem-solving skills. Discover the Mathematical and Computational Techniques to solve the problems.

PEO 3:  Industry Collaboration. Discuss the multidisciplinary knowledge through projects and industrial training and providing a sustainable competitive edge in meeting the industry needs.

PEO 4: Employability Skill: Perceive to become an eminent Mathematician with Excellent Employability and Research Skill.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO 1: Understand and apply mathematical concepts in various contexts related to science, technology, business, and industry.

PSO 2: Acquire the knowledge to apply analytical and theoretical skills to model and solve mathematical problems.

PSO 3: Formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.

PSO 4: Apply the critical thinking ability to carry out extended investigation and innovation of mathematical formulations.

Program Outcomes (PO):

PO 1: Remember the fundamental concepts of Mathematics
PO 2: Imbibe the skills necessary to effectively translate mathematical aspects to the general public.
PO 3: Understand the Pedagogical Knowledge specific to Mathematics Teaching and Learning for Lifelong Learning.
PO 4: Develop Critical thinking ability so as to improve Employability and Decision making.
PO 5: Apply Mathematical Models to solve critical problems.
PO 6: Discuss the importance of compliance with the ethics of science to maintain a sustainable environment.
PO 7: Compare the different Mathematical Models to produce accurate and precise results.
PO 8: Explain the use of mathematical and computational modeling of real decision making.
PO 9: Decipher the importance of being ethical, moral, and social values in personal and social life emerging as a highly cultured and civilized personality.

Click Here to Download Course Outcome


Curriculum Structure – Regulation – 2019

S.No Sem Part Sub Type Sub Code Subject Credits Hours Int Ext Total
1 1 1 L1 Language – I 4 4 40 60 100
2 1 2 L2 English for Communication – I 4 4 40 60 100
3 1 3 Core Core – I –Classical Algebra 4 6 40 60 100
4 1 3 Core Practical Core Practical – I 4 4 40 60 100
5 1 3 DSC DSC 1C 4 6 40 60 100
6 1 3 Allied-I DSA 1A 4 5 40 60 100
7 1 4 Ability Enhancement Course I 2 1 50 50
8 1 6 Value Added Course – I% 2 100 100
1 2 1 L3 Language – II 4 4 40 60 100
2 2 2 L4 English for Communication – II 4 4 40 60 100
3 2 3 Core Core – III – Trigonometry, Vector Calculus & Fourier Series 4 6 40 60 100
4 2 3 Core Practical Core Practical –II 4 4 40 60 100
5 2 3 DSC DSC 2C 4 6 40 60 100
6 2 3 Allied-II DSA 2A 4 5 40 60 100
7 2 4 Ability Enhancement Course II 2 1 50 50
8 2 6 Value Added Course – II % 2 100 100
1 3 3 Core Core – V – Statics 4 7 40 60 100
2 3 3 Core Practical Core Practical –III 4 4 40 60 100
3 3 3 DSC DSC 3C 4 7 40 60 100
4 3 3 Allied-III DSA 3A 4 5 40 60 100
5 3 4 SEC Skill Enhancement Courses – I 2 4 40 60 100
6 3 4 Ability Enhancement Course III 2 1 50 50
7 3 6 Value Added Course – III % 2 100 100
8 3 6 Inter-Department Learning – I# 2 2 100 100
1 4 3 Core Core – VII Modern Algebra 4 7 40 60 100
2 4 3 Core Practical Core Practical – IV 4 4 40 60 100
3 4 3 DSC DSC 4C 4 7 40 60 100
4 4 3 Allied-IV DSA 4A 4 5 40 60 100
5 4 4 SEC Skill Enhancement Courses – II 2 4 40 60 100
6 4 4 Ability Enhancement Course IV 2 1 50 50
7 4 6 Value Added Course – IV % 2 100 100
8 4 6 Inter-Department Learning – II# 2 2 100 100
1 5 3 Core Core – IX Real Analysis -I 4 7 40 60 100
2 5 3 Core Practical Core Practical – V 4 4 40 60 100
3 5 3 DSC DSC 5C 4 7 40 60 100
4 5 3 DSE Elective  – I – DSE 1E 4 4 40 60 100
5 5 3 DSE Elective  – II – DSE 2E 4 4 40 60 100
6 5 4 SEC Skill Enhancement Courses – III 2 4 40 60 100
7 5 6 Value Added Course – V% 2 100 100
1 6 3 Core Core – XI Real Analysis -II 4 7 40 60 100
2 6 3 Core Practical Core Practical – VI 4 4 40 60 100
3 6 3 DSE Elective – III – DSE 3E 4 4 40 60 100
4 6 3 DSE Elective – IV – DSE 4E 4 4 40 60 100
5 6 3 Core Course – XI Core Project 6 7 40 160 200
6 6 4 SEC Skill Enhancement Courses – IV 2 4 40 60 100
7 6 5 Extension Activity- EX % 2 50 50
140 150 2110 2340 4450

Note :

  1. Learning the courses – Programming in C, Web Technology, Database & SQL, Software Engineering and Career Enhancement Course – student shall appear for the NSDC Certification – Junior Software Developer.

@ –     No End Semester Examination, only Internal Exam.

–     No Internal Examination, only End Semester Exam.

Discipline-Specific Core

S.No Course Code Course Semester Offering Department Mandatory
1 Calculus I
2 Analytical Geometry II
3 Differential Equations III
4 Dynamics IV
5 Complex Analysis V
S.No Course Semester Offering Department Mandatory
1 Statistics for Mathematics-I I
2 Statistics for Mathematics – II II
4 Principles of Accountancy III
5 Financial Mathematics IV
6 Office Automation IV CS
Skill Based Subject
S.No Course Semester Offering Department Mandatory
1 Introduction to MATLAB III
2 Programming in C III CS
3 Mathematica IV
4 Programming in C++ IV CS
5 Introduction to Entrepreneurship V
6 Quantitative Aptitude V
7 Actuarial Mathematics VI
8 Numerical Methods VI

Discipline-Specific Elective

S.No Course Semester Offering Department Mandatory
1 Graph Theory V
2 Astronomy V
3 Operation Research – I V
4 Discrete Mathematics V
5 Operation Research – II VI
6 Mathematical Modeling VI
7 Number theory VI
8 Combinatorics VI

Ability Enhancement Course

S.No Course Semester Offering Department Mandatory
1 Environmental Studies I CS Yes
2 Women Studies I Commerce II
3 Constitution of India II Commerce I
4 Human Rights II Psychology Yes
5 Yoga III Tamil
6 Communicative English III English
8 Quantitative Aptitude IV Mathematics

B.Sc in Mathematics opens up many bright doors to promising career pathways. It is indeed possible to build a perfectly satisfying job in mathematics after a postgraduate degree. There is a large basket of professions for a mathematics graduate in which some are given below:

  • A career in IT Industry
  • Financial trader
  • Accountant
  • Actuary
  • Numerical Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Civil service fast streamer
  • Financial Manager etc…