B.Sc Physics programme gives an excellent understanding of mainstream physics and to develop scientific intuition. The programmes allow a student to have the widest variety of options to choose from and modules in other subjects.

B.Sc degree is a three-year programme that give a sound education in physics and lead on to a diverse range of careers.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)


To equip students with knowledge, abilities and insight in Physics and related fields.


To equip students with the ability to translate and synthesize their understanding towards nature, human and development.


To equip the students with the ability to utilize the concepts of Physics such as optics, electricity, Magnetism, Thermodynamics etc and their applications in addressing the practical and heuristic issues.


To enable students to recognize the need for and the ability to engage in life-long learning


  • Young’s modulus-experiments
  • Spectrometer- experiments
  • Microprocessor- experiments

Communication Lab
Communication skill development lab

Library working days : Monday to Saturday (except 2nd & 4th Saturday)
Library working hours : 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Resources:- : Inflibnet, DEL net
Collection of Books : 1500+
Journals : 30
Thesis : 56

Caliber Embedded Technologies India Pvt.Ltd

  • Physics Lab
Download Syllabus 2019 - 2020