Book Publications
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T.Dhanaraj, “Utilization of Banking Products by the Customers” (Special Reference to Coimbatore District) ISBN-978-93-80812-05- (International Edition)
- Book Volume, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli- PP.344-348. January-2011.
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T.Dhanaraj, “Indian Banking Vision -2020” Business and Investment Vision. Nadar Saraswathi College of Arts and Science.
- V.T.Dhanaraj, “Corporate Governance Practiced by Indian Banking Sector” ISBN-978-81-909150-8-3- (National Edition, Book Volume, Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore – PP.19-23.
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T.Dhanaraj, “Consumer Awareness, Welfare and Protection Problem and Prospects”, ISBN-978-81-8484-143-5 (National Edition, Book Volume, School of Commerce Bharathiar University – PP.317-325.
- Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa (2015), Kalos. New Delhi : Laxmi Publication (ISBN No -978-93-85750-23-6)
- Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa (2015), 21st Century Skills . New Delhi : Laxmi Publication (ISBN No -978-81-7968-119-0).
- Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa (2016), Quest . Coimbatore : New Century Book House.
- Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa (2017), Emerging Revolutionary Advancements in English Language Teaching (ERA ELT – Conference Proceedings) (ISBN No – 978-81-90856-72-0)
Journal Publications
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2011.”Object recognition using SVM-KNN based on geometric moment invariant”- International Journal of Computer Trends and …, 2011
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2012. Combining local and global feature for object recognition using SVM-KNN Pattern recognition, informatics and medical engineering (PRIME).
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2010. Scale invariant feature extraction for identifying an object in the image using moment invariants,Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI)
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2010. 3 D Object Recognition using Multiclass Support Vector Machine-K-Nearest Neighbor Supported by Local and Global Feature, Journal of Computer Science, 8(8),PP:12-19.
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2011. Object Recognition using Support Vector Machine augmented by RST Invariants, International Journal of Computer Science Issues,8(3),pp: 280-286.
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2014. Object recognition using K-Nearest Neighbor supported by Eigen value generated from the features of an Image, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,2(8).
- R Muralidharan, C Chandrasekar 2010. Edge detection using the cannys edge detector with user defined filter to obtain good feature for object recognition, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Information Science and Applications, Chennai.
- Uthiramoorthy A, Muralidharan R, 2014. Object Recognition from an Image through Features Extracted from Segmented Image, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 4(12),PP:204-209.
- Muralidharan R,2014.Object Recognition Using K-Nearest Neighbor Supported By Eigen Value Generated From the Features of an Image, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,2(8),PP: 5521-5528.
- Muralidharan R, 2013.Three dimensional object recognition supported by local and global features. KSR College of Engineering.
- T.M.Hemalatha (2015), “Indian Higher Education-Opportunities, Short comings-A Roadmap to Reach”, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences. pp.21-22
- T.M.Hemalatha (2015), “The role of CSR in the New Economy”, Rathinam Journal of Management. pp. 25-33
- T.M.Hemalatha (2015), “The Reflections of Work Life Balance on Indian Hospital Employees” International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research .pp.8-11
- T.M.Hemalatha (2014), “A Study on Customer Preference and Attitude towards Data Card Service Providers With Reference To Coimbatore City”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT &Management. pp. 28 -33
- T.M.Hemalatha (2013), “Impact of Thirrukural on Management”, HRD Times. pp. 48
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T. Dhanaraj., “Prospects and Problem of Powerloom Industry in Coimbatore District. Textile Review .Volume 5.issue 7. July 2010. PP-36-40.
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T. Dhanaraj., “Performance of Weavers Cooperatives in Coimbatore District” Tamilnadu Journal of Cooperation March 2011-PP.27-31.
- Dr.G.Ganesan and V.T. Dhanaraj., “A Study on Determinations of Capital Structure of Indian Companies (With special references to textile industry) Textile Review.
- Dr. K.G. Senthilvasan and Dr.V.T. Dhanaraj “Performance Evaluation of Selected Public Sector Commercial Banks in India”, Sri kaliswari College Sivakasi.
- S. Nethra & Dr. V. T. Dhanaraj, “Consumer Behaviour and Attitude Towards Online Shopping”, International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, Page Number 170-173, 2016
- Dr .J. Thirumaran , Dr .V.T Dhanaraj Effective Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practices in Three Southern States Manufacturing Companies in India Volume-2Issue-1, December2015, ISSN: 2394-0913 (Online) Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
- Janani (2014),” A Study On Customer Preference And Attitude Towards Data Card Service Providers With Reference To Coimbatore City”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management. pp. 28 – 33.
- Maria George (2017)., Marketing Logistics in the national conference on India towards 2020, at S.N.R Sons College, Conference Proceedings., pp.109 – 112
- Geethpriya (2014)., A Study on LCL Cargo Movement In International Business With Special Reference To Eminent Sea And Air Logistic Pvt Ltd., Vol.4 (12), pp 164 -182.
- Singu (2015)., A Survey Report on Customer Awareness Towards BharatiyaMahila Bank with special References to Coimbatore City., International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education., Vol.1 Issue 4.
- Prabha L and R.Kalaivani (May-2015)“A Study On Awareness About Consumer Protection Act 1986 With Special Reference To Food Product In Tiruppur District” International Journal Of Management And Social Science
- R.Kalaivani, and L.Prabha (December 2015) “CAMEL Analysis to study the performance of district CO-operative bank with reference to Kozhikode”, International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review (IJBARR),
- Karthika(2003),”The portrayal of Gay subculture in Bombay”, Contemporary issues in society”,vol. 1.,pp 71-72.
- Gnanadevan (2011)., A Study on Evaluation of Intrinsic Value of Selected Private Steel Companies in India., Journal of Blooomers of Research.
- Gnanadevan (2011)., Consumer Exploitation and Awareness., International Journal of Consumerism.
- Gnanadevan (2011)., A Study on Financial Performance of Selected Private Sugar Industry in India., Rai Management Journal.
- Gnanadevan (2012)., Economic Empowerment of Rural Women Through Self help groups with reference to Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu., Infinity International Journal of Modern Management.
- Gnanadevan (2012)., Job Stress of employees in Banks – A Study with reference to Dindigul.,Indian Journal of Research.
- Gnanadevan (2012)., Consumer Behaviour Towards Refrigerators in Coimbatore City., Indian Journal of Research.
- Gnanadevan (2012)., Micro Credit – Two Sides of the Same Coin., Indian Journal of Applied Research.
- Gnanadevan (2012)., Consumer Behaviour Towards Broiler Chicken Retail Stores with Reference to Madurai City., International Journal of Scientific Research.
- Gnanadevan (2016)., A Study on Factors Affecting Job Stress Among Arts and Science Faculty Members Working in Self Financing Colleges with Special Reference to Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu., International Journal of Management And Social Science Research Review.
- Gnanadevan (2016)., Dimensions Determining Quality of Work Life among Arts and Science Faculty Members Working in Self Financing Colleges with Special Reference to Selected Districts of Tamil Nadu., International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review.
- M.Ganesan (2005)“Bringing financial services to the ordinary man- a financial inclusion” PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research Volume-I, Issue-11, ISSN.-2550-1991 Number: 150-154,.
- M.Ganesan &Dr.C.Vadival(April-2015, )“Profitability Analysis of Selected Cement Industries in INDIA- An Annual Growth Analysis” International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Volume-5, Issue-2, April-2015, Page ISSN(ONLINE): 2250-0758,ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962 Number: 150-154
- K.Renuka 2016.” An Efficient Black Hole and Grey Detection Using Fuzzy Probabilistic Detection Scheme in DTN” International Journal of ARCCE,5(10),PP:123-129.
- K.Renuka 2016. “An Efficient Tree based micro cluster using DBStream” International Journal of MCS,4(5),PP:83-89.
- S. Dhinakaran & J. Thirumaran 2015.” Nano – Robotics in Medical Applications – Ventilons” International Journal of Inventive Engineering & Sciences,3(4),PP:9-11.
- S. Dhinakaran & J. Thirumaran 2015.” Green Communication – A Challenge to Current Communications and Protocols” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER),3(10),PP:7-14
- S. Dhinakaran & J. Thirumaran 2017.” An Investigation on scalable and Efficient Privacy Preserving Challenges for Big Data Security” International Journal of Engineering Research and Development(IJERD),13(3),PP:18-24.
- S.RAJA, Dr.J.Thirumaran, “Software Defined Networking(SDN) and Networking Funcitions Virtualization(NFV) – A Revolution in the Telecommunications Industry”, International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science and Technology, Volume 18, n. 11, 2015, pp 612-617
- S.RAJA, Dr.J.Thirumaran, “Classification of Multicast Routing Schemes for TCP in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, SELP Journal of Social Science, VOL-V, APRIL-JUNE, 2015, pp 65-69
- S.RAJA, Dr.J.Thirumaran, “Secure Packets In Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Frequency selective Channels”, An International Peer reviewed Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, VOL-III/XVI, JAN-FEB, 2015, pp 2754-2759
- S.RAJA, Dr.J.Thirumaran, “Development of new algorithm for finding inverse of modular multiplication”, International Journal of Science and Research, volume 4, issue 3, march 2015, pp 977-979.
- A.Uthiramoorthy 2012”Face Recoganization Technology”HRD TIMES 14-3 PP:17
- A.Uthiramoorthy, R.Muralidharan 2014“Object recognition from an Image through Features Extracted from Segmented image” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering,4-12 pp:205
- K. Juliana GnanaSelvi and Dr.M. Hemalatha 2013.” An Efficient Swarm Intelligence Optimization Based Passive Continuous Authentication System” International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJAEET),2(1) pp: 220-234.
- K. Juliana GnanaSelvi 2015 “A Survey on Swarm Inteligence Based Biometric Information System” International journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, 2(4),PP:58-62
- K Juliana GnanaSelvi 2015. “An Effective Swarm Intelligence Based Passive Biometric Continuous Authentication System” International journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, 2(6),PP:9-17.
- K. Juliana GnanaSelvi and Dr.M. Hemalatha 2017. “Efficient support vector machine with Radial basis function for Biometric Authentication System“ International Journal of Control Theory and Applications,10(9),PP:335-345.
- K. Juliana GnanaSelvi and Dr.M. Hemalatha 2017. “Face Recognition on Biometrics using Optimization Algorithms” Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 10(13), PP:1-8.
- E.Kalaikavitha and K. Juliana GnanaSelvi 2013.” Secure Login Using Encrypted One Time Password (Otp) and Mobile Based Login Methodology” International Journal Of Engineering And Science,2(10),PP:14-17.
- Dr.Vasanthi.V 2017. “Achieving Security for Data Access Control Using Cryptography Techniques” International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology,2(1),PP:11-19.
- Dr.Vasanthi.V 2017 “Simulator and Emulator used in wireless sensor network” International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer And Communication Engineering,10(85),pp:12-16.
- Dr.Vasanthi.V 2015 “Empirical study on Path Planning Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor network” International Journal of Computer Applications technology and Research,10(85),pp:289-293.Scopus Indexed.
- Dr.Vasanthi.V 2015 “Obstruction Avoidance Generously Mobility (OAGM) Based On Graph Theory”. Intl. J. of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies,4(5),PP:1-7.GIF:0.465.
- Vasanthi.V and M. Hemalatha, 2013. “Simulation of Obstruction Avoidance Generously Mobility (OAGM) Model using Graph-theory Technique”. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(07), PP:2799-2808.ISI-Scopus (Impact Factor-0.030).
- Vasanthi.V , M.Hemalatha 2012 .” A Proportional Analysis of Dissimilar Mobility Models in Ad-Hoc Sensor Network over DSR Protocol”. Int. J. Computer Applications 42(15); PP:26-32 (Impact Factor: 0.814).
- Vasanthi,V and Hemalatha.M, 2012. “Simulation and Evaluation of Different Mobility Models in Ad-Hoc Sensor Network over DSR Protocol Using Bonnmotion Tool”. Recent Trends in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Security SPRINGER CCIS : 335, PP:157-167.
- Vasanthi.V and Hemalatha.M, 2012. “Mobility Scenario of Dissimilar Mobility Model using the DSR protocol in Ad-hoc Sensor Network”.Spl Issue on Int.,J. Computer Applications 4 (1), PP: 1-15 (Impact Factor: 0.814).
- Ajith Singh. N, Vasanthi.V, and Hemalatha. M, 2012. “A Brief Survey on Architecture, Challenges & Security Benefit in Cloud Computing”. Int., Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research (JICT).Vol.2(2).102-111.(Springer Indexed)
- Vasanthi.V, M.Hemalatha, 2011. “Empirical Study of Security Attacks on wireless Sensor Network” Int., Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol 2(1), PP:23-28.
- Vasanthi.V, Ajith Singh. N, Romen Kumar. M and M.Hemalatha 2011. “A Detailed study of Mobility model in sensor network”. Int., Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), vol 33(1), PP:7-14 . Scopus, and I.F-1.71.
- Vasanthi.V, Ajith Singh.N, Romen Kumar.M and Hemalatha.M, 2011. “Evaluation of Protocols and Algorithms to Improve the Performance of Tcp/ Ip over Wireless/Wired Networks”. Springer LNCS, Communication in Computer and Information Science, 250(1); 521-525 (Scopus Indexed).
- Vasanthi.V, P. Nagarajan, B. Bharathi, M.Hemalatha, 2010. “A Perspective Analysis of Routing Protocols on Wireless Sensor Network”. Int., Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 2(8),PP: 2511-2518.
- L.Kathirvelkumaran 2013. “Mobile Agents with Pre-Processing Technique” International Multi Disciplinary Research Foundation.
- L.Kathirvelkumaran, G.Shiva 2013. “Role of Relationship Marketing in Competitive Marketing Strategy” International Journal of Scientific Research & Management.
- L.Kathirvelkumaran, J.Thirumaran 2015.” Internet of Things IOT and Machine to Machine Communication M2M, Research journal of Science and Technology.
- L.Kathirvelkumaran, Dr.R.Muralidharan, 2016.” A Study on Pre-Processing Techniques in Mobile Agents” Emerging Trends & Innovations in Digital Marketing.
- L.Kathirvelkumaran, Dr.R.Muralidharan 2017.” A Migration process of Mobile Agents using pre-processing techniques” Fifth International Conference on contemporary issues in agricultural, engineering, management, information technology and life science.
- A.Priyadharshini 2014. “Minimum Delay Routing Optimized AODV Protocol in Wireless Networks under Heavy Traffic”, International Journal of Engg Research and Management,1(6),PP:12-18
- D.Chandradevi and Dr.M.Sundaresan 2016. ”Improved Method for Disparity Estimation and Compression of Stereo Images with Varied Angle of Separation” International Journal of Computer Applications,145(3),PP:45-51.
- R.Manimegalai 2014.” A Novel Approach On Mining Frequent Item Set On Large Unceratain Database”,International Journal of Science and Research,3(4).PP:4-8.
- S.Shylaja, S.RanjithaKumari &K.KrishnaKumari 2014.” Handling Real Time Data sets Using Stream Mining” International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing,3(10),PP:62-69.
- S.Shylaja & J.Thirumaran 2015.” Medical Image Processing – An Introduction” International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),4(11),PP:1197-1199.
- S.Shylaja & R.Muralidharan 2017.” Applications Of Data Mining Techniques in Wireless sensor Networks: A Review, International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 7(3), PP: 1-5.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “Self Service Kiosks Are Changing Customer Behaviour” in International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies (IJARCSMS) vide 2321-7782, ISJN 4372-3114, Vol 5, Issue 3, March 2017.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “Role of social media in banking” in International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies (IJARCSMS) vide 2321-7782, ISSN 2347-1778, Vol 4, Issue 6, June 2016.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “Touch-point management in banking – a lever to enhance customer loyalty” in International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT) vide ISSN 2249-1058- Vol 6, Issue 6, June 2016.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “The Next Generation Banking: Cyber Transformation” in International Journal of Marketing Management (IJMM) vide ISSN 2454 – 5007- Vol1, Issue 1, August 2015.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “A Study On Customer Apprehension Towards Mobile Banking Technology” in International Journal of Research in IT, Commerce & Management (IJRCM) vide ISSN 2231-5756 – Vol 5, Issue 7, July 2015.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “The Modern Wallet- Mobile Wallet A Distant Dream in India” in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Management Review ( APJMMR) vide ISSN 2319- 2836 – Vol 3, Issue 12, December 2014.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “A Study on Market Potential of rural banking among customers in Pollachi “in International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management (IJRCM) vide ISSN 0976- 2183- Vol 5, Issue 8, August 2014.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “Banking On the Move- m-Payments” in Inter Continental Journal of Finance Research Review (IJFRR) vide ISSN 2321-0354 – Vol 1, Issue 7, September 2013.
- PADMAAVATHY.PA. “Rural Marketing in India – Prospects & Problems” in Inter Continental Journal of Marketing Research Review (IJMRR) vide ISSN 2321-0346 – Vol 1, Issue 5, July 2013.
- Poornima S and Chitra V (2013), “ An Empirical Analysis of Impact of Right Issue on Share Price with Reference to Selected Coimpanies in India”, Management Wisdom, Journal of Business & Management, Vol.2, Issue No.1, January-June 2013, pp. 17-24, ISSN No: 2230-7257.
- Poornima S Chitra V (2012), “ Stock Market Volatility during dividend announcement in case of selected scripts” Journal of Management and Science Vol.2 , September 2012, pp 10-16, ISSN2249-1260.
- Poornima S, Chitra V (2011),”Quality of Work Life-A Study done in Stallion Garment at Tirupur”, “HR Challenges in Global Business”, pp. 7-13.
- Poornima S, Chitra V (2011), “Share Price Reaction to dividend announcements in banking sector in Indian Capital Market”, Management and Change Perspectives, Surya International Journal, Vol.1, No.1, pp.84-94
- Poornima S Chitra V (2012), “ An Emprical Analysis of Impact of Bonus Issue on share price with reference to selected companies in India” Journal of Management and Science Volume 2 Issue # September 2012, pp 10-16, ISSN 2249-1260.
- Poornima S Chitra V (2013), “An Emprical Analysis of Friday Effect in NSE Nifty Companies” International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, ISSN 0976-2183.
- Poornima S and Chitra V (2013), “Stock Market Volatility during dividend announcement – A case of Selected Industries in Indian Capital Market”, International Journal of Financial Management Research and Development (IJFMRD), Vol.3, Number 1, Jan-March 2013, pp. 10-21, ISSN No: 2248-9339 (Online), ISSN No: 2248-9320(Print).
- Poornima S and Chitra V (2015), “Stock Market Volatility during dividend announcement – A case of selected banks in India”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol.1, Issue No: XXXIV, December 2015, ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793.
- Poornima S and Chitra V (2016), “Impact of dividend announcements on share price behaviour among the selected companies in IT Industry in India”, ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, ISSN 2249- 8826, Vol.6 (2), FEBRUARY (2016), pp. 1-12.
- Poornima S and Chitra V (2016), “Stock Market Volatility during dividend announcement – A Case of Selected Companies in IT industry in India”, Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2231-5780, Vol.6(2), February (2016, pp.32-38.
- Dr.V.Chitra (2016), “The Effectiveness of Cash Management in Garment Industries in Tirupur”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN: 2347-4793, Vol. 2(37), March 2016.
- Dr.V.Chitra (2016), “A Study on Non-Performing Assets on Nilgiri District Central Co-operative Bank”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN: 2347-4793, Vol. 1(38), April 2016.
- Dr.V.Chitra (2016), “Working Capital Analysis of Pricol Engineering Industries Limited at Coimbatore”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research, ISSN:2330-5504, E-ISSN:230-234, Vol.1(38), April 2016.
- Dinesh S (2017), “Rathinam Journal of Management” A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility in India, With ISSN No: 2250-2009.
- Dinesh S (2017), “A Study on social adjustment among employees with disabilities in industries” at Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, With ISBN No: 978-1-941505-65-6.
- Dinesh S (2017), “International Research Journal of Human Resource and Social Science” A Study on Evolution Process and Reforms In Higher Education In India , With Impact factor 5.414, Vol.4 Issue-03 with ISSN(O) No : 2349-4085, ISSN(P) No: (2394-4218).
- Ms.K.Saranya (2017), Issues and Challenges Faced by Corporate Social Responsibility in Community Development, India Human Resource Development, Rathinam Journal of Management Volume.No: ISSN NO: 2250-2009 2016-2017 Pg.No: 77-81
- Dr.M.Babu and Mr.Selvakumar T (2011) An analysis of volatility in Indian Stock and Commodity Market, published in Journal of Commerce and Management Research. September 2011 issue
- Mr.Selvakumar T (2012) Impact on stock market slowdown on Commodity Market Published in IJSSIR/IJMFSMR May 2012 issue.
- T. Vinu Charles (2015), “Creating the Big Ocean”, Samrajya Vol:1 – Issue:1.
- T. Vinu Charles, and Dr. Anandanatarajan (2014), “ A Day to Day FOREX Regime benefits a novice Investor” Holy Grace Management Review, Sep 2014 ISSN:0975-3427
- T. Vinu Charles, and Dr. Anandanatarajan (2014), “ A Day to Day FOREX Regime benefits a novice Investor” Holy Grace Management Review, Sep 2014 ISSN:0975-3427
- A Critical Study on Exploring and Comparing of Greek and Hindu Mythological Characters in Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone. (National Conference Proceedings – Pg Nos: 40 – 45) ISBN No –978-81-933882-2-8
- A Study on Symbolism in the short stories of Hills like White Elephants and the Snows of Kilimanjaro. (National Conference Proceedings – Pg Nos: 151-153) ISBN No –978-81-933882-2-8
- A twenty hour ESP Spoken English Corse for security guards in Coimbatore District (International Conference Proceedings, Pg Nos: 107-113) ISBN No – 9788190856-72-0
- English, A New Avenue For Communication In The Global Market in The Indian National Journal of English Language and Literature ISSN: 2321-1172 (Online); 2347-2634(Print)
- English is Now here, an experimental study with android applications (Smart Learning + Smart Apps) in Strengthening English Language and Learning (Issues in Challenges (Conference Proceedings) ISBN No – 9789383842506