1. The level of social relevance in Syllabus / Curriculum is ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
2. Do you feel the syllabus / Curriculum is suitable for placement? ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
3. The Course organization is ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
4. The level of knowledge increased by course/syllabus of subject area to the students ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
5. The duration of the course is sufficient to complete the syllabus ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
6. The credit allotted for the course is sufficient ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
7. The course content is evenly distributed in all the units ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
8. The reference books are available in the library ExcellentGoodAverageSatisfactory
9. Any other suggestions?