This Programme emphasizes Mathematical skills which establish a strong foundation in academics for a successful transition to a research career or the industrial workplace. It offers a dynamic and engaging approach for long-standing educational background focusing on future goals.

It is designed to provide a well-rounded, broad education that equips graduates with the knowledge base, theory, and methodology of the mathematical sciences.

Programme Structure:

The course aims at motivating the young minds for research in mathematical sciences and to train computational scientists who can work on real-life challenging problems. The main intend of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge to the students in advanced applied mathematics and prepare them for various research activities.

M.Sc. Mathematics syllabus includes assignments, projects, field works along with a number of core subjects, elective subjects, and labs. More importance is given to the implementation and assessment of various mathematical models.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

PEO 1: To provide opportunities for higher studies in the professional area of Mathematics such as Research.
PEO 2: To impart knowledge on various theoretical and practical aspects of Mathematics with respect to industry exposure.
PEO 3: To develop independent learning skills and transferable skills among the students.
PEO 4: To strengthen the student’s logical and analytical ability to deal with the generality and abstraction of mathematical principles.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO 1:   Provide a deeper knowledge of mathematical techniques and develop the ability to create their own research ideas.

PSO 2:   Develop the ability to handle Mathematical software to develop the research articles in the future.

PSO 3:   Inculcate the capacity to transfer the mathematical knowledge for their industrial career.

PSO 4:   Induce the interest to communicate Mathematics effectively and precisely using technology.

Program Outcomes (PO):

PO 1: Remember the fundamental concepts and principles of various areas of mathematics.
PO 2: Demonstrate the concepts and theories of mathematics to the real world.
PO 3: Understand the significance of information from sources that include books, Journals, Scientific reports, and the internet.
PO 4: Develop the knowledge to the students for the competitive exams includes CSIR, NET, SET, etc., and to win a range of rewarding positions in the public and private sectors.
PO 5: Create problem-solving skills and apply them independently to problems in pure and applied mathematics.
PO 6: Develop proficiency in analyzing and solving scientific problems.
PO 7: Apply the techniques, skills, and modern technology necessary to communicate effectively with professional responsibility.
PO 8: Solve complex mathematical problems using the knowledge of pure and applied mathematics.
PO 9: Explain the knowledge of contemporary issues in the field of mathematics and applied sciences.

Click Here to Download Course Outcome

Sem Part Type Sub Code Subject Credit Per Week CIA ESE Total
1.1 3 C1   Core-I 4 5 50 50 100
1.2 3 C2   Core-II 4 5 50 50 100
1.3 3 C3   Core-III 4 5 50 50 100
1.4 3 C4   Core-IV 4 5 50 50 100
1.5 3 SEC 1   Skill – I  (Practical / Training) 4 5 50 50 100
1.6 3 ELE 1   Elective-1 4 5 50 50 100
          24 30 350 350 700
2.1 3 C5   Core-V 4 5 50 50 100
2.2 3 C6   Core-VI 4 5 50 50 100
2.3 3 C7   Core-VII 4 5 50 50 100
2.4 3 C8   Core-VIII 4 5 50 50 100
2.5 3 SEC 2   Skill – II  (Practical / Training) 4 5 50 50 100
2.6 3 ELE 2   Elective-2 4 5 50 50 100
          24 30 250 250 500
3.1 3 C9   Core-IX 4 6 50 50 100
3.2 3 C10   Core-X 4 6 50 50 100
3.3 3 C11   Core – XI 4 6 50 50 100
3.4 3 SEC 3   Skill – III  (Practical / Training) 4 6 50 50 100
3.5 3 ELE 4   Elective-3 4 6 50 50 100
3.6 3 ITR   Internship / Industrial Training (Summer vacation at the
end of II semester activity)
2   50 0 50
          22 30 300 250 550
4.1 3 C12   Core-XII 4 6 50 50 100
4.2 3 SEC 4   Skill – IV (Practical / Training) 4 6 50 50 100
4.3 3 ELE 5   Elective-4 4 6 50 50 100
4.4 3 PRJ   Project with Viva-Voce 8 12 100 100 200
          20 30 250 250 500
TOTAL 90 120 1150 1100 2250


Certificate on Minor Discipline
S.No. Sem Part Sub Type Sub Code Subject Credit Hours INT EXT Total
1 2 6 MD   Course – I 5 2 0 100 100
2 3 6 MD   Course – II 5 2 0 100 100
3 4 6 MD   Course – III 5 2 0 100 100
4 5 6 MD   Course – IV 5 2 0 100 100
S.No. Sem Pre-requesite Course Code Course Name Offering Department TypeTheory / Practical
1 1     Abstract Algebra Mathematics Theory
2 1     Real Analysis Mathematics Theory
3 1     Ordinary Differential Equations Mathematics Theory
4 1     Graph Theory Mathematics Theory
5 2     Complex Analysis Mathematics Theory
6 2     Linear Algebra Mathematics Theory
7 2     Partial Differential Equations Mathematics Theory
8 2     Mathematical Statistics Mathematics Theory
9 3     Topology Mathematics Theory
10 3     Functional Analysis Mathematics Theory
11 3     Mechanics Mathematics Theory
12 4     Fluid Dynamics Mathematics Theory


Skill Enhancement Course
S.No. Sem Pre-requesite Course Code Course Name Offering Department TypePractical / Training
1 1     Latex    Mathematics Practical
2 2     Matlab Mathematics Practical
3 3     Neural Networks Mathematics Training
4 4     Object Oriented Programming and Python Mathematics Practical
S.No. Sem Pre-requesite Course Code Course Name Offering Department TypePractical / Training
1 1     Optimization Techniques Mathematics Theory
2 1     Mathematical Modelling Mathematics Theory
3 1     Fuzzy Logics and System  Mathematics Theory
4 2     Astronomy Mathematics Theory
5 2     Numerical Analysis Mathematics Theory
6 2     Number Theory and Cryptography Mathematics Theory
7 3     Control Theory  Mathematics Theory
8 3     Differential Geometry Mathematics Theory
9 3     Stochastic Process Mathematics Theory
10 4     Mathematical Methods Mathematics Theory
11 4     Machine Learning Mathematics Theory
12 4     Finite Elements Method Mathematics Theory

In a progressively competitive international market, an M.Sc degree can facilitate in setting an individual stand out from other graduates. Pursuing an M.Sc, the degree gives students the chance to learn as much as they can about their area of interest through focused education, honing their skills, improving on their technical capabilities, and primarily becoming a specialist in the field.

  • Manager/Executive (Senior/Assistant/Junior)
  • Research Assistant
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Food and Drug Inspector
  • Chemical Analyst
  • Professor
  • Junior Research Fellow
  • Biochemist
  • Mathematician
  • Data Scientist etc…