Syllabus of 2 years MBA in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development program comprises of core and elective courses, skill certification, capstone projects, and Action Learning Segments. With an objective to connecting the theory of innovation and entrepreneurship with practice and enabling students to acquire skills, this outcome-oriented program is designed to deliver in phases and modules. This will facilitate learning on the management of innovation, entrepreneurship, and venture development from foundation to advanced stages and simultaneously enable students to apply their entrepreneurial skills in real-life situations, validate ideas, build innovations, test the market and build a successful venture out of it.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

PEO1  To create entrepreneurial ventures by equipping with the necessary entrepreneurial skills.
PEO2 Students will independently conduct theoretical as well as applied research on Entrepreneurial Development.
PEO3 Industry-ready graduates having the highest regard for Personal & Institutional Integrity, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, and Continuous Learning.
PEO4 Graduates are engaged in the planned and systematic activity throughout the course which enhances their suitability to face any leadership challenges of all levels including the Research and Development arena.
PEO5 Graduates are nurtured with the organic entrepreneurial ability to stand firm against any circumstances that arises around the corner.

Program Outcomes (PO):

PO1 Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
PO2 Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision-making.
PO3 Ability to develop communication and value-based leadership.
PO4 Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, ethical aspects and social responsibility.
PO5 Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals.
PO6 Conceptualize, organize, and resolve complex business problems or issues by using the resources available at their discretion.
PO7 Recognize the need, prepare, and ability to engage independently and also life-long learning in the broadest context of global change.
PO8 Perform as a Leader to meet every requirement and bear the accountability of the business
PO9 Apply his entrepreneurial skills and develop in all his endeavor

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO1 Key concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, and new venture development
PSO2 How to take an idea, build a prototype and launch to early customers in the market
PSO3 Demonstrate how to Market and Idea/Prototype to early customers
PSO4 Knowledge of venture growth strategies
PSO5 Knowledge of Business Models, Fund Raising and Start-up Ecosystem

Click Here to Download Course Outcome

MBA (IEV) Innovation Entrepreneurship & Venture Development Curriculum Structure –
Regulation – 2024
Sem Part Type Sub Code Subject  Credit Per Week CIA ESE Total Exam Hours 
1.1 3 CORE I   Economic of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Market Economy

4 4 50 50 100 3
1.2 3 CORE II   Entrepreneurial Leadership Essentials, People, Team Building &
3 3 50 50 100 3
1.3 3 CORE III   Science, Education, Technology, Innovation, Start-up Policies in
3 3 50 50 100 3
1.4 3 ELECTIVE -I   Creativity & Design Thinking for Product,Process and Service
3 3 50 50 100 3
1.5 3 ELECTIVE- II   Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, & Visualization –
Application of AI/ML
3 3 50 50 100 3
1.6 3     Outbound Trainings/Certification from renowned knowledge
4 2     100
1.7 3 INTER DISCIPLINARY COURSE   Legal Compliance for incorporating Start-up. 4 4 50 50 100 3
1.8 3 CAPSTONE PROJECT   Ideation and Design Thinking for Problem- Solution fit 2 2     100  
          26 24 300 300 800  
2.1 3 CORE-IV   Innovation Development Process &Readiness Levels
(Technology, Market and Investment).
4 4 50 50 100 3
2.2 3 CORE – V   Entrepreneurial Marketing and Customer Thinking 4 4 50 50 100 3
2.3 3 ELECTIVE- III   Management of Digital innovation, Digital Business and Digital
3 3 50 50 100 3
2.4 3 ELECTIVE -IV   Design and Management of Incubation and Pre-Incubation Facilities and
3 3 50 50 100 3
2.5 3 INTER DISCIPLINARY COURSE   Entrepreneurial Finance & Accounting for Entrepreneurs 4 4 50 50 100 3

  Marketing Research and Customer Insight for Problem-Market
2 2     100 3
2.7 3 ACTION LEARNING SEGMENTS   Incubation, Innovation & Start-up Landscape, Opportunities and
Practices in India & merging Economics
6 5 50 50 100 3
          26 25 300 300 700  
3.1 3 CORE-VI   Production Planning ,Resource and Quality Management 3 3 50 50 100 3
3.2 3 CORE-VII   Venture Growth Planning & Venture Financing. 3 3 50 50 100 3
3.3 3 ELECTIVE-V    Convincing Markets And Investors -Fund Raising, Picting, Crowd
3 3 50 50 100 3
3.4 3 ELECTIVE-VI   Negotiations and Strategic DecisionMaking in Start
3 3 50 50 100 3
3.5 3 ELECTIVE-VII   Urban Innovation Technologies, Practices and Policy for Smart City
4 4 50 50 100 3
3.6       Outbound Trainings/Certification from renowned knowledge
4 2     100  
3.7 3 INTER DISCIPLINARY COURSE   Intellectual Property Right (IP) Management Strategies 4 4 50 50 100 3
3.8 3 CAPSTONE PROJECT   Business Model fit and Business Model Innovations. 2 2     100 3
          26 24 300 300 800  
4.1 3 CORE-VIII   Business Valuation Methods, Financial Investments, & Financial
Reporting for Start-ups.
4 4 50 50 100 3
4.2 3 ELECTIVE-VIII   Eco-innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship Practices
4 4 50 50 100 3
4.3 3 INTER DISCIPLINARY COURSE   Innovation, Social Enterprise, and Sustainability. 4 4 50 50 100 3
4.5   ACTION LEARNING SEGMENTS   Project with Viva-Voce
Real Time Venture Establishment and Management in
12 12 50 50 100 3
          24 24 200 200 400  
TOTAL 102 97 1100 1100 2700  




Course Name






M-II: Management Skill for Entrepreneurs and Managing for Value Creation

1 1 Core
Course- II
Innovation Development and Management 4 4 40 60 100
2 Elective 3 Managerial Economics for Entrepreneurs 2 2 40 60 100
3 Elective 4 Entrepreneurial Finance: Concept & Management 2 2 40 60 100
4 Skill Development Start-up Law, Ethics and Environment in India 2 2 40 60 100
5 Capstone Project-2 Development of Innovation/Prototype & Submission 4 4 40 60 100

M-III: Creating and Sustaining Enterprise Model &Organizational Effectiveness

2 1 Core
Course – III
Entrepreneurial Leadership – Org Behavior 4 4 40 60 100
2 Elective 5 Corporate and Social Entrepreneurship 2 2 40 60 100
3 Elective 6 New Venture Establishment & Management 2 2 40 60 100
4 Skill Development Innovation, Technology & Operation Management in Start-ups 2 2 40 60 100
5 Capstone Project-3 Development of Business Model for the Innovation & Submission 4 4 40 60 100
Sem Part Course
Course Name Credit Hour Int Ext Total
2 6 Action Learning Segment -I Start-up/Incubation/Acceleration Residency Learning Program: 14 14 40 60 100
Sem Part Course
Course Name Credit Hour Int Ext Total

M-IV: Advanced Start-up Skill Competency Development

3 1 Core Course – IV  Venture Financing: M&A, Funding Stages, Mechanism,
Tools and Techniques etc.
4 4 40 60 100
2 Elective 7 Digital Marketing of Innovations 3 3 40 60 100
3 Elective 8 Venture Growth Strategies 3 3 40 60 100
4 Skill Development Talent and Team Management, HR Management 2 2 40 60 100
Sem Part Course
Course Name Credit Hour Int Ext Total

M-V: Creating and Growing New Venture and National &Global Business Environment

3 1 Core Course – V  Government Strategies & Policies and International
4 4 40 60 100
2 Elective 9 Technology & Global Business Linkage Opportunities 3 3 40 60 100
3 Elective 10 Global Start-up Exchange Incubation Program 3 3 40 60 100
4 Skill Development  Training on Advance Competency Development etc 2 2 40 60 100
Sem Part Course
Course Name Credit Hour Int Ext Total

Business Model/ Enterprises Model Evaluation week

4 1 Action Learning Segment -II Real-Time Venture Establishment and Management in Incubation/Acceleration 20 20 40 60 100
2 Skill Development IPR Management 4 4 100 100

This program will facilitate learning on the management of innovation, entrepreneurship, and venture development from foundation to advanced stages and simultaneously enable students to apply their entrepreneurial skills in real-life situations, validate ideas, build innovations, test the market and build a successful venture out. The program will help students identify, recognize, manage and grow their entrepreneurial talent and take them through a progressive journey along various tracks from the Foundation of Management & Entrepreneurship Track to Entrepreneurship Intensity Track, and from Start-up Experiential Learning Track to Start-up Establishment Track, and along with three Capstone projects (under the guidance of mentor experts). The experts/mentors will guide and hand-hold students from an understanding the basics of business, management, and entrepreneurship, acquiring the necessary skills, to refining the idea into a proof of concept, to further building & testing the prototype, and subsequently developing the final product offering or process into a desirable commercial model or an enterprise.